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Gardening - Page 4

July 12, 2018

Bunch of Little Rotters

Over the years my tomato patch has produced respectable results.  But one of the problems I consistently encountered was called Blossom End Rot.  It happened first some ten years ago and grew

Cold Composting

November 5, 2019
Every gardener is familiar with the recipe for creating compost: a perfect mix of greens and browns, water, turn, water, turn, water, turn, profit*. The pile heats up, the pile cools down.

When The Garden Gets Away

September 4, 2019
It happens to every gardener eventually: life gets in the way of the garden. CurrentYear() is my year for it and I have no excuses*. While much of the north garden is

Plant Early, Plant Often

February 18, 2019
There are fewer times harder on a gardener than winter. As we rise out of January’s frigidity, we are experiencing longer and sunnier days that make me yearn to get some seed

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