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May 5, 2017

Modern Art Is Crap

If everything is art, then nothing is. All the great art of Western Civilization rests on the same underlying principle: through hard work, inspiration, and commitment to his craft, the artist produces a work that connects the human to the

Why Beauty Matters

November 8, 2022
Because Google and BBC is asshole, I can only find this documentray from Roger Scruton on Vimeo now:, I downloaded a copy using youtube-dl. (I mean, clearly this is a threat

Get Your Boomer Shirt

October 31, 2022
We have been tough on the Boomers over the years, so we decided to make a Boomer shirt, just to smooth things over. Get yours now. Also, comes in other colors, but

Looking at Thune’s Vision

July 21, 2022
Editor’s Note: Make sure to check out the other posts at The Last Redoubt I’ve gotten copies of Thune’s Vision and Shagduk from the two respective Pilum Press Kickstarters, and oddly, it turns out you can now even

New Shirts

February 20, 2022
We have added two new shirts to our MOTW collection at Crypto.Fashion, so head over and check them out. We have it on good authority that Snidely has told his Gab followers
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