From the information coming out about the Titan submersible, it feels like Aeschylus could have written this play himself, but would have said, “This is so blatantly obvious that nobody will be able to suspend their disbelief this much.”
Man has dream of going on an expensive adventure. Man builds the equipment to realize this dream. Man ignores warnings that his adventure will go spectacularly poorly. Man goes on adventure, bringing others with him, at a cost to them that is unaffordable to most of us. Adventure, as predicted, goes spectacularly poorly. And, like in many plays, Everyone Dies™.
Hubris, once again, strikes down the haughty. And so we poke fun at the hubris, at the pride, that, looking back, was more than visible through many steps of the buildup to what happened here.

Is poking fun at the situation in poor taste? Yes. Is it a matter of our pride saying, “I would never do that!” Also yes. Is it a way we, as humans, find catharsis in dealing with a textbook example of Greek tragedy? Absolutely.
So I’m not worried about the memes, the jokes, or the humor going around. It’s a way to recognize the tragedy, and to help deal with it. The best of us are not immune to hubris. The consequences of our actions catch all of us. And so we find ways to laugh at the absurdity of this situation to deflect some of its blow away from us.
Having heard everything, I have reached this conclusion:
Ecclesiastes 12:13
Fear God and keep his commandments,
because this is the whole duty of man.
Our corporate overlords, neither make products, design new technologies, have God or culture or classical education to their names. They are vapid figureheads of an evil, free-market corporate machine.
This dingy probably didn’t have an original, independent thought to his name, his 1990s vapid administrator smile says it all. Didn’t care about the road to geneocidal anti-White comment he made, just wanted to be thought of as a winner by conforming.