It is easy to think that we are all alone. I mean, most of us are surrounded by a culture that vacillates between outright hostility and intentional neglect. We often find ourselves standing alone against the godless horde of the left. Sure, we know that we can come here and spend a little virtual time amongst the likeminded, and some of us are even able to interact with other Men of the West in the real world. Regardless of our individual circumstances, we can all benefit from the resources available online that support our world view. With that in mind, here are a few of those that you might find useful in our fight against those who would try to destroy Western Culture.
It is important that we stop using the resources of our enemy and start using those that support our culture. With that in mind, stop using Wikipedia, which is hopelessly converged. Instead, get your information from Infogalactic. It is designed, edited, and run by those on our side.
Stop getting your daily updates from ABCNNBCBS and their like. While Fox News might be better than those far left sources, there is still much to be desired from the more “conservative” news site. When you do use it, be discerning. Some other sites that are much more reliable (though you still always want to check your news from any site):
B̶r̶e̶i̶t̶b̶a̶r̶t̶ (We have removed this site, as it is converged)
Washington Examiner
White House Youtube Channel. Here, you can get direct streams of speeches, etc.
Hedgeye Youtube Channel
Mises Institute
Tom Woods
4th Turning
BUSINESSES AND PUBLISHERS (clothing that supports a Western Culture and is run by friends of Men of the West)
Castalia House
Men of the West Mugs
Vox Popoli
Dark Triad Man
Gab (Non-converged Twitter alternative)
Six Day Science. Wonderful scientific resource that honestly considers God’s Creation, using both science and scripture. Very thought-provoking. Trust me, even if you do not agree with everything here, you will learn something valuable.
Certainly, these are not the only good resources, but it is a start. When you have another good option, post it in the comments, and we can check it out. We will try to keep this list updated, and can add new sites to the lists above, or even add new categories, as needed.
The key is to start using our own resources. When we find an area of the culture that is lacking a good alternative, then we can start one. By “we,” of course, I mean you. These are folks who are already trying to make a difference, going against the mainstream. You can join them, using your own talents. The more we take the culture back, the more options will arise. That is part of our mission.

Alt Right portal:
Brave browser:
Info crowdfunding: is another. The guys that run the site could not take the cuckie crud of HotAir any longer. So they left that site about a year or so ago, and started up Hot Gas. That morphed into Sparta Report when they got their own dot com site.
Canada Free Press has always been a fountain of information regarding stuff our own media refuses to cover. Judi McLeod actually realizes that without America, there is no free world. While Judi is based out of Toronto, she is conservative minded and is a great resource. is another aggregate style website like Drudge’s. Yes it is Jonah’s mom, but the articles linked there are for the most part conservative based.
I think that keeping each other informed of resources available is a very good thing. Looking forward to finding new sites to keep myself informed with.
These need to go into a sidebar or something. – not alt-right but they are preserving and promoting the Western traditions in art that Marxism destroyed everywhere except in Russia where the repin institute can still claim lineage to the Renaissance
Roissy has transcended his PUA roots and is now an insightful commenter on the decline of Western civilization.
“With that in mind, stop using Wikipedia, which is hopelessly converged.”
As used above, what does “converged” mean?
In the sense that it is controlled by SJWs. See this blog post for an example:
I posted a comment at Vox Popoli regarding this, but wanted to ask here if anyone knows of a similar technical resource like Stack Overflow.
Briefly, the co-founder of Stack Overflow made a political rant when the site is supposed to be a purely Question-and-Answer site (actually a collection of sites under the Stack Exchange umbrella). Some people quit the site, and it is a sign of convergence, to use Vox Day’s term.
Does anyone know of another technical site that might be able to compete with Stack Overflow so that I can start using them.
If anyone is interested, here is the post that began the problems.
Hey Leatherwing. I do not know, but will run it by the others, and see if any of them have suggestions. Thanks!
We may want to remove Breitbart due to the Katie McHugh firing.
Good call. Done.
Also added the link to our MOTW mugs