Monthly archive

September 2019 - Page 3

Seven Down!

September 19, 2019
The following Pacific War anecdote, as told by General George C. Kenney (USAAF), is extracted from Five Down and Glory: A History of the American Air Ace, by Gene Gurney (published 1958).

Why Epstein Had to Die

September 18, 2019
Brett Kavanaugh is getting smeared again. It is maddingly inept, unbelievably brash. I mean, the balls on these people: Let’s think back to Jeffrey Epstein, now that his corpse has cooled,

War's Forgotten Men

September 16, 2019
Editor’s note: The following is extracted from Vignettes of Military History (US Army Military History Institute No. 69, April 18, 1977). The outcome of battles is often credited to great general and

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