Editor’s Note: Longtime reader, Darrel Sipes, shares this with us. Originally written for a friend, he thought we could all benefit, and we agree. This is to address the ridiculous notion that
Editor’s note: Here follow the Introduction and Chapters 1 through 6 of My Reminiscences of the Anglo-Boer War, by General Ben Viljoen (published 1902). All spelling in the original. THE AUTHOR TO THE READER In offering my readers my reminiscences
The rules were simple. Dog runs from one end to his owner, ignoring the distractions along the way. This Golden Retriever showed there are times when the best way isn’t always the
Editor’s Note: Our Australian Buddy, Adam Piggott, the Genteman Adventurer, has offered to share another of his articles from a few weeks ago. Just over a year ago I wrote a piece
Get involved. We can talk all we want. We can organize. We can support and motivate each other. But unless you are willing to get officially involved in the political process, it
The Collect BLESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them,
Spencer Rapone, a recent graduate of West Point, has promoted communism while in uniform. He raised his fist in a black power gesture, and wrote “communism will win” on the inside of
Autumn is upon us, so it’s time to start thinking about garden improvements for next year. Glance over that backyard garden that began the spring with so much hope. You know, the
In my previous post, I noted that the terms Racist and Racism are getting thrown around so much that they have have lost their meaning. We have entire groups of people being
“I think that is what a loving and forgiving God would want . . .” This sentiment (and variations thereof), often expressed by people who clearly do not believe in God, let
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