Where to Live VI – Earthquakes

The Economic Collapse Blog notes a rumble under the chair, and it ain’t baked beans: Why are fault lines and volcanoes all over North and South America suddenly waking up? Are we


Where to Live V – Tornadoes

As I am sitting under a tornado watch at present,* it seemed a good time to examine another threat that the prepper should consider when selecting a location to live: tornadoes. In


Where to Live III – Demographics

This is a post no one really wants to write, a subject few Americans truly wants to address.  Even Alex Jones, in his documentary film Strategic Relocation, blames potential collapse-driven ethnic strife on


The Minas Tirith Times

The Following is an Op-ed written to the editors of the Minas Tirith Times by Saruman, Head of the White Council : One of the major challenges that we face today, on
