
Book Review – "The Pity of War"

The Pity of War. Niall Ferguson. New York: Basic Books, 1999. Pp. xliii+563. $17.00. ISBN 0-465-05712-8. Organizing his book, The Pity of War, around ten hypothetical questions, Niall Ferguson attempts to show


Beast Life Q&A

Question: Is it worth it to hire a strength coach or personal trainer? Answer: If you have the coin, sure. A second set of eyes, with legit experience and training is always


In Praise of the Revolver

I admit, I shouldn’t be the one writing this article. I only own one revolver. There are others that know more and have more experience. However, my perspective might be useful if


A Christmas Carol, Part 3

Editor’s Note: For the next three Saturdays, through Christmas Eve, we will be presenting the classic story, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. It’s a story most are familiar with, but few have


Get Busy

We at Men of the West have been advocating for a return to traditional Western Cultural ideals. Of course, every single one of our authors, editors, and admins has been doing this


Even God Laughs at Islam

Sultan Knish offers a strategy to combat an ideology whose only hope of expansion lies in promoting itself through intimidation, conformity, deception, and political correctness: When Mark Twain said that, “Against the

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