The Curtain Close on COVID Theater Discussion

The Curtain Close on COVID Theater

March 9, 2022
1 min read

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently held a roundtable discussion with many big name doctors who have been fighting against lockdowns, vax mandates, and the harm society has done to children during the covid years.

If you’re still a #pureblood and have kept your kids mask-free, then there isn’t much new information in this video, except for one announcement at the end that I didn’t know about and applauded. But, it’s still worth watching, if only to hear the truth spoken out loud by kindred spirits. We all need encouragement, and it’s encouraging to see good people fighting for truth.

I’ll mention two other things. One of the panelists admitted he was wrong in the beginning about supporting the lockdowns, etc. He explains why he supported lockdowns at first and why he changed his mind. Good for him for being willing to adapt to new information. Also, this is the first video where I get the impression that Dr. Robert Malone is starting to get pissed off. It’s Dr. Malone, so it’s not like he’s yelling or anything, but I get the sense that he’s had enough.

Gov. DeSantis posted some choice quotes from discussion online at Governor DeSantis Closes the Curtain on COVID Theater.

Anyway, I recommend you watch it if only for some encouragement. The discussion starts at about 16 minutes, and the first 30 minutes or so are introductions.

American son of the Appalachian mountains. Happily married father of several and devoted man of God. Hold fast.


  1. And now another “variant” seems to be making the rounds. I’m hoping that my fellow Americans just say no this time, but I doubt it.

  2. I imagine they’ll dredge it back up by next Fall. The globalists have no idea how to stop themselves. Their chutzpah knows no bounds. They cross the line, and they keep going and going. Things’ll get out of hand, and they’ll still hysterically claw and grapple to maintain the grip of their grift.

    • I love that term “chutzpah” and how you used it properly. In Talmudic writings (damn the Talmud and it’s blasphemy) “chutzpah” is defined as “a man who murders his own mother and father, and then begs the court for mercy because he is an orphan.”

      I.e. chutzpah is NOT the same as saying a man “has balls.” Having balls is a good thing!

      God bless

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