
How to Defeat Antifa: Show Up

Although we’re winning The Great Meme War of 2017, we won’t defeat Antifa on that front. We already have a massive troop count of keyboard commandos sharing links, memes, taunts and even


Thank God For AntiFa

The Men of the West are beginning to stir. No longer content to be a keyboard warrior locked in an a echo chamber of his own choosing, the Man of the West is


Alt-Right or Die

It’s not a threat; it’s an admonition. Depending on who you listen to, the Alt-Right is a small but loud group of homophobic, racist, Nazi, hatemongers that should be completely ignored because


The Moral Reflex

What is a moral reflex? It’s the immediate, raw reaction you have to wrongdoing, injustice, goodness and righteousness. Let’s start with the basics. If a clerk hands you too much change at
