

A few weeks ago, I saw an article on how to attract Millennials to your church. And the first bullet on the list was to not place any value on tradition. That’s


Memory: The Stink Knows No Color

Editor’s Note: this was originally written in 2004, but seems pertinent today.    It’s a documented, irrefutable fact that everyone who works in a building with elevators believes them to be the


Trump Blows It

Late on Thursday evening, President Trump ordered air strikes on Syria, in retaliation for chemical weapon attacks that are blamed on Syrian President Assad. At latest report, 59 Tomahawk Missiles were launched


Beast Life: Man Up and Get a Grip

Editor’s Note: Beast Life author, Donner Schwanze, is shifting focus to more current events. Another Man of the West, Milo of Croton, will take over the Beast Life series. We think you

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