
British Finances in the Colonial Era

Editor’s Note: Though this is primarily a brief historical look at colonial finances, notice the connection between war, growing national debt, and the increase of corporatism, which eventually places undue burdens on


We Stand With Milo

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this article stated that Milo was not a Christian. It has come to our attention that he is, in fact, a Roman Catholic. As such, we


Why We Do This

Occasionally, it is beneficial and appropriate to stop and take stock of where you are and what you are doing. It is easy, in our modern world, to get off track, lose


Trump Is Right (Again)

Unless you have been living in a Hippy Commune or hiking through the Amazon Rainforest,  you have heard the repeated cries from the left that Trump is deranged. He is dangerous. This


The Colors of Awareness

Jeff Cooper’s “Color Code” wasn’t original meant to designate awareness but rather the state of mind during a conflict. Somewhere along the way, people realized it also tied into what state of


New Game

It has been quite a show in Washington, DC these past few weeks. Really, since the election last November, when it became clear that Trump had won, the bugs and vermin that


The Struggle

As I grew up, like most boys, I often found myself injured in some way. Sometimes, the injuries were quite serious, while other times more minor. My mother used to tell me,


Best Press Conference Ever

On February 16, 2017, President Donald Trump participated in the greatest press conference in history. Perhaps there  have been certain moments that exceeded this event, but none that went for a full

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