Beast Life: Pushups Trump Excuses

Editor’s Note: We welcome another old friend, who will be taking over our Beast Life articles for awhile. Those who enjoy Donner’s posts should not despair. He will continue to contribute, but


Beast Life: I Like Big Butts

Lately, I’ve had my woman in the gym, and we’ve been working out together. This can be a bit challenging sometimes because I work out with hundreds of pounds, while she works


Beast Life: Q&A

Kyle writes: Mr. Schwanze, I’m a mesomorph (I know, “fuck off”) so with that out off the way… I have been working out for 7 weeks and have seen good changes.  I


Beast Life: Sprints

Cardio sucks. Only women and homos enjoy cardio. So why drag it out? Why put yourself through 30+ minutes of repetitive mind numbing work, that does more to wear out the cartilage


Beast Life: Rear Delt Flys

Your rear delts are very hard to target. They get worked on your back day and your primary shoulder lifts, but really hitting them specifically can be challenging, especially if they are


Beast Life: Dumbbell Rows

  Sometimes you may want to look outside of your standard back exercises, especially rows. Maybe your gym doesn’t have the right equipment, or you don’t want to put additional strain on


Beast Life: Incline Bench Press

The Incline bench press is a great shaping exercise. It’s great because chicks dig nice pecs. It’s also great because it can help you get over strength plateaus on your bench press.


Beast Life: Back In The Saddle

Ok you fat bastards. It’s time to get your shit back on track. Hopefully you did the not-stupid thing and have been bulking since about Thanksgiving. Only ectomorphs should ever consider bulking

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